[Price change (price reduction) notice]

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you very much for your continued patronage.

Due to the recent situation, Sara Co., Ltd. has been affected by various price increases, mainly due to rising raw material prices for apparel brand SOW ENiGM@ ® products, which has had an impact on the sales prices of the products we sell.

If things continue like this, the price will no longer be one that satisfies the patronage of SOW ENiGM@. We have had many internal discussions about this issue.

As a result, all employees have made various entrepreneurial efforts, and while maintaining product quality, we have succeeded in reviewing our procurement routes and expanding our manufacturing routes, and we have reduced the sales prices of all products.

In order to make our brand's products even more accessible to everyone, all of our employees value the connections they have made with everyone at SOW ENiGM@ and strive to improve quality every day.

We appreciate your continued patronage.

Representative Employee Designer: So Inoue

[Price change date] Friday, September 13, 2024

[Contents of the revision]

All products from the apparel brand SOW ENiGM@.

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